Front cover of The Economist : "The price of Scottish Independence: It'll cost you"
This map of Scotland was the front cover page of The Economist of 14th April 2012. The map depicts Scotland as an island with a southern sea border in place of England. Geographical names were replaced with jokey names insinuating that Scotland would be skint outwith the UK.
Place Names
- Aberdeen - Aberdown
- Arbroath - Arebroke
- Arran - Barren
- Aviemore - Avienomore
- Ayr - Err?
- Ben Nevis - Ben Novice
- Crieff - Grieff
- Dumfries - Dumfreeze
- Dunbar - Dunfor
- Dundee - Donedee
- Dunoon - Done in
- Edinburgh - Edinborrow (Twinned with Athens)
- Elgin - Hellgin
- Eyemouth - Footinmouth
- Fair Isle - Unfair Isle
- Falkirk - Falterkirk
- Forfar - Fallfar
- Glasgow - Glasgone
- Grampians - Grumpians
- Highlands - Highinterestlands
- Inner Hebrides - Inner Fix
- Inveraray - Indisarray
- Inverness - Inamess
- Inverurie - Inveruin
- Islay - Islay-offs
- Isle of Skye - (Pie in the) Skye
- John o'Groats - John no Groats
- Kilmarnock - Nilmarnock
- Lewis - Lewisn't
- Loch Awe - Loch Jaw
- Loch Fyne - Not Fyne
- Loch Ness - Loch Less
- Lowlands - Loanlands
- Mull - Null
- Oban - Obankrupt
- Orkney Islands - Orkward Islands
- Outer Hebrides - Outer Cash
- Perth - Dearth
- Portree - Poortree
- Prestwick - Pressedwick
- Rockall - Rock All
- Rum - Rum deal
- Scotland - Skintland
- Shetland Islands - Shutland Islands (leased to Norway)
- St Colder - St Kilda
- Sterling - Stalling
- Stonehaven - Stonehaven't
- Straits of Moyle - Dire Straits
- Stornoway - Gornaway
- The Pinch - The Minch
- Thirsk - Thursty
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